Infraconsoft – Infra- three module 3 License plan (3M3L-1)

Ref:- NIPL /infra/ 3M3L-1 /1/21-22 Prices/plans/specifications subject to change without notice.

Section:- 1 :- Requirement & plan configuration:- (modules and user license included in this plan):-

1. lioncrm -1 user license
2. Infraconsoft –real estate builders -sales module -1 user license
3. Infraconsoft -asset module-1 user license
4. Infraconsoft – Branch License -1 user license

Tally Management Software

Section:- 2 :- Quotation/Proposal for Infra- 3 module 3 License plan (3M3L-1) monthly user license plan (MULC). Here are the list of modules and offers included in this plan.     

List of user  license with product  code included in the plan:-

1. Infraconsoft- Asset Management plan- Asset-2
2. Infraconsoft -scrm  user license Infra-scrm-UL-1A
3. Lion crm.in - user license x1 Lion-UL-2
4. Infraconsoft-Branch License”x2 Infra-BL -1 
5. 10 hours First time implementation & Training plan included
Total monthly subscription  plan charges           Enquire now
Less:-  Current Offers  (subject to change without notice) Enquire now
Total monthly subscription  plan charges

Enquire now



1. Prices can be seen by clicking on the “product code”
2. Prices mentioned in the product code is for 1 module, 1 license for 1 month (as the case may be)
3. Prices are already highly discounted as different modules are integrated with one another and are huge modules.
4. In ,many modules there are 4 modules included and sold as one module.(eg  INV-4MP-2 )
5. Still discounts are available based on the number of user license(s)  and modules needed by customer.
6. For those who opt for yearly plan and yearly payments special discounts are available.
7. Prices and offers are subject to change anytime without notice.
8.First time training and implementation plans:-  (payable whenever the hours are exhausted and used fully by “customer”) . (Optional) The basic training hours are included in the plan. In case if you need more training or customization, you may opt for our First time implementation & Training plan (FIT -1) & Prepaid customization Plans” (CAT -1) plans

NISSI INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED , 14/71,Subramaniapuram-IInd Street,
T.V.Swamy road west extension, R.S.puram, Coimbatore-641 002,
Tamil Nadu,India. Mobile : +91-98422-44488, 91-99940-93339
product website:-www.Infraconsoft.com
corporate website:- www.nissiinfotech.com

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